Friday, July 27, 2018

Finally, I'll be an "Almost Old" Student

Hai, ketemu lagi dengan saya Al Fauzi Rahmat yang biasa dipanggil dengan sapaan Alfar/Fauzi, tulisan ini hanya sekedar mengisi waktu luang dimana sebertar lagi detik-detik yang menenggangkan bagi saya menjadi mahasiswa angkatan “Hampir Tua”.WOW.

(image: sejenak melepas penat dari kesibukan KKN, 27/5/2018)

Tidak terasa waktu ini begitu cepat sampai tidak menyadari bahwa sekarang waktunya untuk segera menyelesaikan perkuliahan jenjang S1. For your information, kali ini saya berada di semester 6 dan beberapa minggu kedepan akan beranjak semester 7 dimana setiap mahasiswa “Hampir Tua” wajib mengambiil skripsi atau tugas akhir sebagai syarat kelulusan di perguruan tinggi.   

Sepanjang hari disibukan dengan mencari informasi untuk dijadikan topik skripsi, dimana sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan topik yang case study nya di kampung halaman, namun harus dihentikan dengan alasan jarak yang lumayan jauh dan makan biaya yang cukup banyak. Akhirnya, bersusah payah mencari kembali topic yang sesuai minat dan tentunya yang selarah dengan jurusan saya saat ini. WOW.

Kampus (Ruang Repository), Perpustakaan Graha Pustaka DIY sampai berlama-lamaan di Kos sahabat merupakan salah satu kegiatan saya saat ini demi mendapatkan topic yang di inginkan, bersyukur saat ini masih diberi kesehatan, jadi everywhere I go penuh dengan semangat juang yang tinggi (tentunya impian lulus cepat dan tepat waktu harus digapai, setidaknya sudah berjuang, iya kan?) WOW. Akankah impian tersebut terwujud? Tunggu waktu yang menjawab dan ku kabarkan secepatnya, WOW.

Label Angkatan “Hampir Tua” sedang menari-nari diatas bayang-bayang fikiran, siang dan malam terus melekat setajam sengatan kalajengking. “Hampir Tua”? mari diselesaikan.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

City Tour Program (Goes to Lopburi, Thailand): Join this program with Ajarn/Teachers and Thai Student from Faculty of Liberal Arts, Maejo University.

Hello, I am Fauzi. I would like to inform you about the nice experience. This event, traveled for 3 days on 02-03 January 2018 with Ajarn and Thai students from Faculty of Liberal Arts, Maejo University visited to Lupburi, Thailand.

The first day, we visited Chan-Sen Museum in Nakornsawan Province, this museum is one of the famous museums located in there. The museum has a collection of various relics such as: human skeletons, rocks, carvings, sharp weapons, plates, etc. In the museum area, there are some tourist attractions, reservoirs that's located to the right of the museum and around the museum that has the local home's people, this museum there are many beautiful buildings like in the picture below:

 The second day, we visited Narayana Museum Place, a museum of three (3) main sections built and amidst historical buildings. This museum has a lot of information such as the entry of Christianity, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu. This museum is very nice seen from all directions and the number of old buildings this museum has its own charm. The pictures around the museum location can be seen below:

The museum is currently undergoing renovation in several places and will be made stand for the event on 10 February 2018. The museum is very large than before, very interesting and lots of nice tang engravings.
* next we visited the other old buildings around the museum in Lopburi, Thailand. Such as: Wichayen House, one of the historic buildings about the official resident for ambasador. Picture below:

The next city tour to San Praha Karn, a place of worship for the Hindu people, is very beautiful to visit and beside this building, there is a beautiful temple that has many monkeys arounds in the middle of the city. That's the beauty can be seen when seen very close, the monkeys who play and chase each other and so many tourists from abroad who see the beauty of this city. Picture below:

The last day, we visited a place of worship for the Buddhist people, this place is a beautiful and that is amazing.
The city tour was very memorable for us, hoping a lot of knowledge gained from a very tired journey.

Thanks to Ajarn and Thai Stud from Faculty of Liberal Arts for giving us space to join your event. Thank you.

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Short Report: Volunteer Camp Fire in Galyani District Vadhana, Chiang Mai Province

This time I gained an experience to attended as an event organized by SAS MJU's Organization. This activity is one of the organization work programs that focus on community service.

The activity started on 26-28th January 2018 has several agenda that is: assisting community in making dam in the river, distribution of goods and food to students in school-village, planting of medicinal plants in village hospital, and clean area around of ​​village and camps such as: fence making, pole paint, livestock shelter, all these are social services organized to create healthy and clean villages.

This event was attended by several volunteers including Thai students, Indo students, Teachers, Researchers and some locals who came to accompany our activities.

Enthusiastic volunteers that look very valuable in every program. Group formation for volunteers every day is very effective to be able to hone various knowledge and experience.

Cheerful and happy looks every face volunteers even under the hot sun in the afternoon and cool at night, but still enjoy.
This activity is very draining, but very impressive for themselves in every volunteer. Every night there are various activities such as: around bonfires, sausages, brainstorming and story-telling, singing, etc.

On the last day we visited the Watchan Temple that's located not far from the camp, it's to relax the body's activity before. "Here I get a lot of valuable knowledge, learning, sincerity to seek life out there through a program of dedication to the local people".

Thank you very much for the chance provided by SAS MJU's organizational friends. From here I look for many new friends who are very kind, friendly, and willing to accept us (indo student) to participate in your activities. I would like to express my gratitude to Thai students, Teachers and the community in learning to protect the environment around us.

Friday, January 19, 2018


By: Al Fauzi Rahmat
(Wednesday, 17th January 2018) Through this visit, Thai Student and International Student (UMY) at School of Administration Studies Maejo University getting chance for learning all about historical in 2 (two) museum places in Chiang Mai i.e. Lanna Folklife Museum and Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center.

The first visit in Lanna Folklife Museum, this museum provide a lot of information about the historical Lanna people (Thai: ล้านนา). Besides the history, this museum offers a lot of relic’s heritage a Lanna people in Northern Thailand. Lanna Folklife Museum that has 2 floors has many rooms such as goods supernatural powers objects collection, clothes collection, worship offerings, stucco sculpture, the process of mural painting, metal casting sculptors and all. In addition an International Student and Thai student has lecturer to explaining each rooms in museum.

The next visit in the Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center, this museum bigger than Lanna Folklife Museum, for this museum giving the historical information about the Chiang Mai and Northern Thailand places, this second chance we were taught everything about Chiang Mai province and the society-life in earlier time.

This museum has many rooms such as the historical king of Chiang Mai, Map/ locations of various temples and Chiang Mai province borders, traditional home, traditional fabrics collection, photos several local people, and all. This museum provide a digital electronics to support the historical information for visitors.

After this visited, hopping getting a lot of knowledge about Thailand especially Chiang Mai province such as historical, Lanna, art and culture. Thank for chance for Thai and International Students for join this activity.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Experiences at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Wat Suan Dok in Chiang Mai: Learning the Thailand Monk life of Buddhist Religion

(Thailand, January, 12th 2018). International Student from School of Administrative Studies at Maejo University getting chance to learning about Buddhist Religion at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University or MCU (January, 3th 2018). The subject take by Social and Culture of Local Government, this course is lectured by Miss Matchima Vachirapho.

In there, our student joining the English Program of Humanity Class to learn about ourselves such as the name, living, motto, motivation, and exchange idea about everything with Monk student. There are many student from another countries in this class, such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and all using clothes of Buddhist (Monk). They can be called as Monk. They’re young boy may become novices at any age. But in the role of Buddhist, the monk-novices cannot become a monk until 20 years old, if there are among them up 20 years old, they can to become a monk.

Following this class, many students from foreign countries such as Khamphanlee, he is a student at MCU, that the English Program for Humanity, He is from Laos and has a motto's "to this day is better than yesterday" He is good to talk about our country and family. He says that has 2 brothers, 1 brother and one young sister. He studied at MCU to become a tourist gauge for his country.

After that, our student to introduction in front of class in another class than the MCU Student stand up to introduction as well. Therefore, Indo Student discussed with Mr. Assoc. Prof. Yueng Pannengpeteh about Monk life of Buddhist Religion. According to Assoc. Prof. Yueng, every day the Monk’s perform activities of mediating and encircling, barefoot. Then can only eat before 12.00 p.m, therefore the Monk cannot dinner because it is the rule to become Monk.

Thai Monk in meditation at Temple will focus/ concentrate all thoughts and souls on religion, they perform various rituals in establishing. In the Monk there are rules such as not to kill people that must always live in peace and cannot commit sinful acts and in his life should not be too pretend/ fun. As well as monks cannot perform sexual activity, because better energy used for the main activities again. The Thai Monk should be fair and adhere to the human rights that have been made for the peace of all human beings.

This visited makes me understand about the role in Thai Monk life. Learning about it only getting in Thai by subject Social and Culture in Local Government through provided by Ajarn Matchima Vachirapho.